Tuesday, July 20, 2010

You might be horribly disappointed or impressed beyond your wildest dreams or excited for a couple hours before it's all over and you have to wait for the next one.

I cannot WAIT for this one, Rapunzel (a.k.a. Tangled). I don't especially like the way it looks from the trailer. The animation and background is very pretty...for a computer animated movie, but the story doesn't look that great. Thankfully, the animators have said that the trailer is completely misrepresenting the movie or something like that. I'm always happy to see a new fairytale movie from Disney. No one does magic better. I hope Rapunzel turns out to be dramatic and slightly dark, like Beauty and the Beast or even The Little Mermaid, not this vapid Shrek comedy stuff they show. Fingers crossed.

The first trailor I saw for this was just a toy fish "swimming" across the screen, and it looked totally stupid. But THIS trailor is awesome. It's funny, with good voice acting and stuff that looks like action. Let's hope it really is, not like the Alice in Wonderland (2010) trailer. That trailer showed what looked like action too, but the actual movie had little action.

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