Thursday, July 29, 2010

Facts Continue Reviewing Enchanted

What makes me so scatterbrained?
Is that the same as Hatter-brained?
Baby birds are chatter-trained.
Baker's clothes are batter-stained.
Pop-rockstars are flatter-pained.
I find this poem matter-strained.

Matter-strained, adj.
Having little significance and mattering hardly, as of an amateur poem created for filler material in a blog.

Yesterday, I forgot to review the messages or themes of Disney's Enchanted. Can you believe it? What is wrong with me? I felt especially bad since I called Enchanted "vapid" before, but it's less vapid - to a certain extent - when you take the themes into account. Unfortunately, the movie kind of botches them. The main theme is that you shouldn't get married on a whim; you should take time to get to know your significant other. The other main theme is to stay married through challenges for the good times you'll have as well. Overall, very positive messages about love and marriage...except that, at the end, the movie spoils the main theme by having Nancy run off and marry Edward after meeting him once, at the ball. I was confused to say the least.

The third theme may be to have a balance between fantasy and reality.

Botching aside, the themes brighten this movie up quite a bit.

And now for another trailer.

I don't know very much about Suckerpunch. It's about a girl who is sent to a mental institute by her evil stepfather. She creates an imaginary world in her head and dreams up how she'd escape. The trailer looks awesome though. Dark, but in a good way. Action-packed. Intense. Dramatic. I'm scared to see it on account of the abuse she apparently might face in the institute, but it might be too tempting not to see. I guess I'll wait for more trailers and information on it before I decide.

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