Monday, August 23, 2010

I Am Ashamed =(

Well, it finally happened. I missed a post, and just as I knew would happen, I missed several after that. When I started blogging, I knew I had to be vigilant and post EVERY day because, if I missed even one post, I'd see no point in posting at all. I mean, I already missed ONE post. I've already ruined my perfect attendance record. What difference does it make if I miss a few more? *Sigh* Well, I suppose this is a good point to begin posting on and off, mostly on weekends. I had so hoped to reach that fantasized day, a year from the day I began, and see that I'd written exactly 365 posts. Well, oh, well. Maybe I'll get back to posting every day sometime. *Sigh again*

1 comment:

  1. I dont care how many i post a day, the first day i came on blogspot i posted 7.... im trying to cut down lol im officailly obsessed. im kinda jelous u can actually miss a post, i think id have to go back in time :)
